Homelessness Services

Youth Futures delivers 6 homelessness programs providing over 20,000 safe nights sleep each year.

One property is our crisis accommodation unit TINOCA which has several bedrooms in addition to lounge and counselling/meeting rooms. All our properties are furnished giving the young people we support a place to stay with a home-like feel until they secure long-term housing. The donation we received from Harvey Norman of furniture allowed us to refresh our properties, providing a clean, welcoming and functional space for our residents.

Additionally, we used some of the pieces to help furnish young people's long-term houses. These donations meant that young families could immediately be comfortable and that the burden of the cost of furniture was alleviated allowing them to concentrate on self-care and/or continuing education.

By providing young people experiencing homelessness comfortable, safe inviting places to stay we find they develop a sense of pride of the space and actively keep the space clean and tidy. This helps with their mental health and independent living skills.

Thank you Good360 for helping make this possible!

About Our Charity

Youth Futures began with a group of community members who were passionate about helping young people, reducing youth homelessness in Perth's north. Three decades later, we\u2019re still supporting young people experiencing homelessness but have adopted a

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Causes we support

Children & Youth


Harvey Norman