Fun For Kids!

CHAMPION (Community Hub and Meeting Place in Our Neighbourhood) is a community service established by the Temple Society Australia (TSA). It offers emergency food relief and a host of practical assistance and advisory services to help people get back on their feet.

It felt like Christmas, giving out Empower Packs for kids! There were an array of goodies inside, including: water bottles, piggy banks, notebooks and stationary… One little boy I gave an Empower Pack to was so excited about the colouring-in items! He opened it up and started colouring and decorating it straight away! Another child used the little gold box to pot a plant and another little one was super excited to start writing in their notebook!

Thank you for these Empower Packs Good360.

About Our Charity

CHAMPION (Community Hub and Meeting Place in Our Neighbourhood) is a community service established by the Temple Society Australia (TSA). It offers emergency food relief and a host of practical assistance and advisory services to help people get back on t

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Causes we support

Food Security & Agriculture
Children & Youth