Basic Human Rights - Youth Homelessness

Tobi became homeless at 15. Family life had always been complicated. The situation had slowly been escalating until it got to the point where Tobi had to leave the family home. Tobi was attending Youth Futures Comet CaRE School and was in the process of completing a Certificate II in General Education. The Youth Worker there supported Tobi to find stable accommodation, which led to their stay at Youth Futures crises accommodation unit, TINOCA, with little more than the clothes on their back.

Whilst at TINOCA, Tobi learned a number of life skills, including: budgeting, cooking and cleaning. The case manager at TINOCA assisted Tobi in obtaining a birth certificate, bank account and other necessities required to receive a Centrelink income. Tobi was also supported in accessing more appropriate mental health support more suited to their needs.

Tobi said, “If it weren’t for TINOCA, I would not have grown and developed the skills I have now, to assist me in continuing to work towards my goals in life. I felt as if I was stuck in a dark hole when I first became homeless; TINOCA helped me to find my way out.”

Each year Youth Futures supports over 2000 young people and we continue to house people like Tobi, who have little to no belongings. Items like the toothpaste, towels, toilet paper and Empower Packs, donated by Good360, give people a feeling of dignity and confidence to approach challenges head on and push through times of adversity.

About Our Charity

Youth Futures began with a group of community members who were passionate about helping young people, reducing youth homelessness in Perth's north. Three decades later, we\u2019re still supporting young people experiencing homelessness but have adopted a

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Children & Youth


Big W
ABC Tissue Products
Empower Packs