Christmas comes early for champion clients!

Every Christmas we offer a "Market day" service where champion clients can come in and choose presents for their children and register for a Christmas food hamper.
We were worried we would not have enough to offer people this year as donations have been light on due to COVID-19!

Because of Good360 and the generosity of LEGO, our children will receive some gorgeous, brand new presents for Christmas and parents will feel proud to be able to give their kids something nice this Christmas!

We had over 50 people come through the market day in 2.5 hours and it was amazing to see the reactions from people when they were told they could afford to give their kids LEGO this year!

Thank YOu Good360 and LEGO for making this possible for our clients.

About Our Charity

CHAMPION (Community Hub and Meeting Place in Our Neighbourhood) is a community service established by the Temple Society Australia (TSA). It offers emergency food relief and a host of practical assistance and advisory services to help people get back on t

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Causes we support

Food Security & Agriculture
Children & Youth


LEGO Australia