Christmas is coming!

After what has been a really challenging year for our clients, we were so grateful to receive some beautiful eiderdowns, some wool for our knitting and weaving folks, some material for some to sew face masks with, some gorgeous cookbooks to go in the Christmas hampers and some single bed sheets to brighten up some bedrooms! Our clients rarely get new bed linen and certainly never go out and buy themselves a cookbook or things to create with. They were so happy to receive this beautiful selection and could take what they needed without judgement!

Thank you to Good360, BIG W, Spotlight and Pacific Magazines for these amazing goods.

About Our Charity

CHAMPION (Community Hub and Meeting Place in Our Neighbourhood) is a community service established by the Temple Society Australia (TSA). It offers emergency food relief and a host of practical assistance and advisory services to help people get back on t

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Causes we support



Big W
Spotlight Foundation
Pacific Magazines