Back Packs & Smiles Galore!

At the beginning of March, 18 Students from Home Hill State School (located halfway between Cairns and Mackay) received Backpacks or Water Bottles from Good360. To say they were delighted is an understatement! One Boy in Year 2 went racing back to his class, yelling to his Teacher, “Look what I’ve got!!” His Teacher remarking, “Chappie Gwen, if you could have seen the smile, it was from ear to ear!”

You can see the delight on the faces of these precious students as they got to discover the contents of their chosen “very own” Backpack. Lunch Bags, Drink Bottles, Colouring-in Pencils and Textas were Backpacks of Delight. The Stainless Steel Water Bottles were also a huge hit, especially with the older students. A 3-pack of Socks, Sunscreen and Hand Sanitiser were also included and would delight any parent too.

For some of our Students, these Back-to-School Back Packs and Essentials will replace their battered Bags from previous years or hand me downs from Siblings, how proud they were for their new bags and items.

The Students gladly assembled for a photo and shouted “Three cheers for Good360 and Big W” in response to receiving their Gifts.

Thank You, Good360 and Big W! This was such a successful opportunity; we have hopefully earmarked another 18 students to receive goods with parental permission in the future.

Thanks also to Kogan, Koh, Pacific Magazines & Nottage International for much needed Masks, Cleaning Cloths and Cleaning Products to keep our Classrooms safe.
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