Food parcels in tote bags!

When we were offered 1800 tote bags we could not believe our luck! Since the outbreak of COVID-19 over 18 months ago in Victoria, we have had an enormous increase in clients needing food parcels and we could no longer sustain the purchase of bags to hand out food in. We had started using cardboard boxes and as we are unable to receive bags back at the moment to repack (or boxes), we found we were going through so much more plastic! We are so grateful to be able to hand out food in bags that people can reuse in their everyday lives!

Thank you Good360 and Productology for a tote-lly awesome product.

About Our Charity

CHAMPION (Community Hub and Meeting Place in Our Neighbourhood) is a community service established by the Temple Society Australia (TSA). It offers emergency food relief and a host of practical assistance and advisory services to help people get back on t

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Food Security & Agriculture

