Christmas time.

From here to Christmas …with love.

6 months ago Heaven’s Joy joined Good360 Australia. We started with 3 boxes, to 20 boxes to 50 to 1000 boxes. Heaven’s Joy was an unknown small charity. But with the support of Good360, Heaven’s Joy was gifted to share hundreds of goods to the needy, starting from homeless and refugees and to different churches.

Our aim was to support vulnerable children and families in their community. We are so thankful for what we received from Good360; it totally transformed our giving this year as we put together hampers for families, and toys for children as Christmas presents.

Churches were under pressure to keep uninvited virus (Omicron) away, so with all Koh and other sanitizer products they were able to make this possible.

A loving thank you to BIG W for generously donating boxes of mixed products which were distributed to support refugee families in need. BIG W made such huge impact to cover children in our local community and in different churches.

Again, we would like to say an enormous thank you to BIG W and Good360 for introducing these amazing programs such as “BIG W Giving Tree”. Heaven’s Joy was delighted to allocate these goods to children, mainly those in hospitals unwilling to celebrate Christmas at home with their families. Heaven’s Joy appreciated your immense support in contributing gifts and donation to make this festive season events possible. Receiving new goods changed live for many.

About Our Charity

Heaven’s Joy is a not-for-profit organization that does not operate for profit, personal gain or other benefit to the organizers. Heaven’s Joy helps under-privileged people, victims of violence, homeless, refugees, grieving families and people at risk b

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