Christmas made better thanks to Lego and Good 360!

After what was a terrible year for our CHAMPION visitors with lockdowns, job losses, financial stress and then COVID-19 infections, we were so grateful to be able to offer our clients some lovely gifts for their children this Christmas at our annual market day. Clients come and choose gifts for their children /family members and pick up a food hamper to help them through Christmas and the new year when kids on school holidays and money is tight! The Lego really brightened the faces of our recipients children and we are most grateful!

Thank you Good360 and LEGO.

About Our Charity

CHAMPION (Community Hub and Meeting Place in Our Neighbourhood) is a community service established by the Temple Society Australia (TSA). It offers emergency food relief and a host of practical assistance and advisory services to help people get back on t

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Causes we support

People with Disabilities
Children & Youth


LEGO Australia