Christmas Jingles

Wamuran chaplaincy program takes on many forms. From assisting children with coping skills, social skills, and friendship issues. To just be a listening ear.

One conversation I had with a student reminded me of an item on Good360 that I hadn't even thought to purchase. I mean they were just earrings, right? How could they help? Well, how wrong was I - this student was saying to me how she loved the sound of the earrings her teacher was wearing - that gentle rustle of some beads and jingle as they rocked back and forth. How it brightened her day to hear her teacher walking up to greet them. So I made the purchase and was able to create a group of Christmas Jingle seniors - the joy as they walked through the school and jingled their way around the playground - gave this group a chance to be a part of something they would not usually do. Each day, they gained confidence as they made their way through the waiting students. They had a role to play within the school. To Bring Christmas Jingle Joy!

Thank you Good360 and Vimwood.
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