Lots of Data

Thank you Good360 and OPTUS for initiating this amazing program. The OPTUS Crisis Sim Cards have helped so many in our community.
Client #1 had tears in her eyes while telling me how wonderful it would be to facetime her children and grandchildren.
Client #2 said this was such a relief to her stress levels and that it was wonderful to receive such a generous gift.
Client #3 expressed gratitude and excitement with the opportunity to receive her Optus Donated Data SIM and was looking forward to enjoying the data. She will be able to hotspot onto the new laptop she will be receiving soon.
Client #4 has a severely disabled daughter who spent more time in hospital than at home since being born. The client suffers from extreme anxiety and her husband is on suicide watch. They are experiencing a financial crisis, the client struggles to put $10 on her phone. Thanks to this pilot program the client will not have to worry about credit for the next six months. The client was very grateful to be provided with this opportunity.
Client #5 is a New Zealand citizen with a history of family violence. She was recently court-ordered back to Australia by the father of her children. This created immense financial pressure as the client is only eligible for special benefits. This income is only enough to cover rental payments. Since returning the client has had to rely heavily on services to get by. This opportunity will assist in minimising financial pressure for the next six months.
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