Hangers of Hope - Sunbury Salvos

Our primary assistance in the community has been food/essential items - and haven't previously had a lot of connection for clothing items for our center. In a post COVID world- there are additional pressures on families once the rent and bills are paid, food is next and often nothing remaining for the new clothing items that are also needed.

One of our clients expressed great thanks in being able to access some new winter clothing as she didn't foresee any new clothing being possible until 2023 with her current financial pressures. Even one new item can provide great hope and dignity back into our community as we now have great range of new items they can choose for themselves.

So far 30 households have benefited from these donations- with many more to be added to that number over the coming weeks.

Thanks Good360 and BIG W for providing hope.

About Our Charity

We offer disaster relief and continued emergency relief to Sunbury and the Macedon Ranges. We offer financial assistance, food and material support, and case management to support people back to independent living.

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Causes we support

Disaster Relief


Big W