Making Home - A little bit goes a long way

YWAM Youth Precinct is grateful to receive two boxes filled with various items from Good360 to support residents at our home for young women who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. YWAM Youth Precinct has a transitional accommodation house that provides short term, shared accommodation for young women aged 18 through 21 who are transitioning from homelessness to permanent accommodation. YWAM offers a supportive and safe living environment with the opportunity for young women to practice life skills, gain confidence, make new friendships and to help transition them to successful independent living while re-engaging in the community. Residents can access volunteering opportunities and community contribution through YWAM’s programs and broader youth services.

Thanks to Good360 and Winc, new residents will be welcomed with desk accessories to use in their work, education and personal creativity times. They will also have access to cling wrap, sweetener, and serviettes in the communal kitchen to support them as they make homemade meals and enjoy a cuppa. The Marbig cutter knife blades, ear muffs, batteries, whiteboard cleaners, and sign holder are appreciated administrative assets for the volunteer personnel.

About Our Charity

City Ventures is a Christian charity that aims to care, connect, serve and build with individuals and communities. The shared motivation is to provide people with the following: -Healthy relationships -Access to Christian faith and values -Fair and

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