Big Things from Big W!

OVIS Community Services is the main provider of Family Domestic Violence services and support for the whole of the PEEL region in Western Australia, with four sites, one being an Outreach Hub for regional areas, another being an Emergency Crisis Refuge, another being a Therapeutic Refuge for complex needs, including mental health and alcohol and drug issues and the last being for Community Services where counselling and advocacy are available for clients.
Unfortunately, due to the current economic times including COVID-19 and a rental crisis in Western Australia, we have a lot of survivors and children leaving their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Good360 has been amazing with its support and knowledge to help us create connections and facilitate us with a wonderful stakeholder in Big W. Big W has been doing big things and has provided us with lots of warm clothes and shoes for our survivors and we are unbelievably thankful! Big W you have made a major difference in so many lives!
Good360 & Big W, thank you so much we are extremely humbled by your generosity and your care for our survivors!

About Our Charity

We are a women's domestic violence refuge. I can not submit any documentation with our address on it as it is a private location for teh safety of our clients so we only use our PO Box address on correspondence and mailings

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Causes we support

Children & Youth


Big W