What beautiful donations

Thank you to all the donors in Good360 for your ongoing support. Honestly, your great support is keeping Heaven’s Joy going. We have received umbrellas. Candles and glass bottles, including Deodorants. However, to keep illness at bay, Vanilla Sugar donated hand wash that kept our parishioner’s hygiene safe.
The glass bottles, candles and the umbrellas went directly to the churches for Sunday school children. However, every time Heaven’s Joy receives goods from Good 360, we add an extra smile to the faces of our Angels.
Your products are so remarkable, we can’t thank you enough.
Thank you again and again.

About Our Charity

Heaven’s Joy is a not-for-profit organization that does not operate for profit, personal gain or other benefit to the organizers. Heaven’s Joy helps under-privileged people, victims of violence, homeless, refugees, grieving families and people at risk b

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