Inflating Mats Are a Huge Help to Gold Coasters Sleeping Rough

Working as part of the Annual Gold Coast Homelessness Connect event Community Housing (Qld) Limited made these 200 inflatable mats available to folk attending the event. The August 2022 event had been canceled for the previous two years due to COVID so August 2022 made a welcome return and was very much appreciated by patrons needing a range of medical, food, and clothing support as they tackle homelessness on the Gold Coast.
After the event, any remaining inflatable mats were given out by a range of organizations affiliated with the Gold Coast Homelessness Network (GCHN) including The Multicultural Families Organisation (MFO) [pictured], Uniting Care Community, and the Gold Coast Youth Service (GCYS) as part of the Rough Sleepers and Street CRED initiative.
In a specific example, the mats were also given out during International Tenants Day to a couple sleeping rough. This is particularly poignant as the female in the couple was heavily pregnant and really appreciated a soft mattress. Incredibly sad that she was rough sleeping due to the lack of affordable housing.
Partners of the Gold Coast Homelessness Network (of which Community Housing (Qld) Limited is a founding member) appreciated being able to offer the mats to long-term rough sleepers up and down the coast who are known to several organizations.
Thank you Good360 and its donor partners for your generous support

About Our Charity

CHL is a not for profit housing organisation that delivers affordable housing to those in need. We provide rental housing at subsidised market rent to the most vulnerable in the community. We provide homelessness services, Aboriginal Housing, disability h

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