Meals on Wheels Introduces Intergenerational Playgroups!

Over the last few months, some of the Meals on Wheels team have completed the Introduction to Intergenerational Practice course through the Australian Institute for Intergenerational Practice (AIIP) at Griffith University. Starting the first term in 2023, we will be running a pilot Intergenerational Program with a local community playgroup, with the intention of running this program out to other playgroups.
Intergenerational programs intentionally unite younger children and older people together in ways that enrich participants’ lives and help address vital social and community issues.
One of the biggest constraints to these types of programs are resources. Community playgroups are established, led, and sustained by volunteer participants. In this time of increasing pressure on the financial and time resources of families, current funding levels mean it is very difficult to introduce additional programs.
By partnering with Good360, we have been able to receive some gorgeous wooden toys, which include activity trees, and pretend play coffee, and cake mixers. We will be using these toys to base some of the activities around our intergenerational playgroup program, which will help to develop fine motor skills, cognitive skills, and social skills for both the young and old!
Thank you Good360 and The Stork Nest for helping to make these programs possible!
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