Best & Less are the BEST

I picked up a lot of boxes of mainly children's clothing from Best & Lest in Northam which is approximately 200km west of our college. The floor staff were so happy for us to take the clothes and even said they'd let us know if they had more! We have a store room in the back of our library where we have the clothing stored in assorted sizes and our chaplain frequently brings families and students in and discretely pops into the room and grab the items that they need. We only have one op shop in Merredin but unfortunately, in today's economic climate, people just can't afford even spend an extra $1 and our students are going without. These clothes are a blessing in so many ways. they are new and fashionable and they fit in with everyone else. The Chaplain has bought many families into the library and they have left with a big smile on their faces and clothes in their bags. It's been a joy to see so many people supported by this program. Thank you Good360 and Best & Less for the generous donation.
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Best & Less