Swan Hill Region Food for All Food Hub plus more!

The Swan Hill Region Food For All Food Hub located at Swan Hill Neighbourhood House, launched in October 2022 and since its inception up to March 2023 has assisted over 400 individuals with access to food relief. The 18 bags of assorted personal hygiene products and general items from Good360 were able to be added to the mix of products that the Food Hub could offer to vulnerable members of the Swan Hill community. Oftentimes people in need may be homeless and in need of personal items as well as food relief. The bags from Good360 have already been issued and were very well received. Thank you for your support

About Our Charity

Swan Hill Neighbourhood House is a not for profit which provides services to the wider community through a variety of programs, actives and support. Our Social Enterprise is a volunteer run Op Shop providing low cost items to our community.

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