Making a difference brick by brick with LEGO and stationery

Hay War Memorial High School is committed to enhancing children's learning experiences by recognizing the invaluable role of LEGO as an educational tool and having BIC pens, mechanical pencils, hole punchers, and staplers. We have proactively provided numerous boxes of LEGO to various segments of our community, fostering growth and development in multiple ways.
Our dedication to supporting the Hay Girl's Guides is evident as we have assisted children who did not have access to LEGO, enabling them to benefit from this engaging and educational resource. Additionally, during the high school's Year 5 and 6 transition night, parents and students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the school environment, where they gained insights into school life and received rewards for their positive behavior, further reinforcing the significance of LEGO and stationery as tools for positive reinforcement.
Furthermore, our commitment extends beyond children, as we recognized the value of introducing LEGO to adult community members who may not have had the opportunity to explore this creative medium. These individuals were delighted to receive LEGO as a reward during our school trivia night, providing them with an enjoyable and enriching experience.
Hay War Memorial High School embraces the power of LEGO, and access to stationery to create avenues for learning, engagement, and building meaningful connections within our community through the support of Good360, LEGO, and BIC. Thank you.
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Causes we support

Education & Literacy
Children & Youth
Cost of Living Crisis


LEGO Australia
Edgewell Personal Care
Indian Foods Group