Fun Playgroup Resources

We have between 20 - 30 families attend our free school playgroup each week. Children from the ages of 0-5 years attend. Families living in the Ambarvale and Campbelltown area from diverse backgrounds enjoy playgroup and always give such positive feedback. The toys we were able to receive from Good360 have been very popular and having brand-new toys added to our program put a smile on our families' faces. The children have enjoyed sharing them and making new friends whilst playing with them. Playgroup has been successful, bringing the community together and our parents/carers as well as the children attending are making new friendships.
Thank you Good360 and its donors for the amazing support.

About Our Charity

Ambarvale Public School\u2019s mission is to provide excellence in education, empowering students to achieve their potential, within an engaging, caring and inclusive environment.

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