Nike Protect Vulnerable Feet

Running and playing barefoot can be beneficial for young children and their development. However, once children have been walking confidently on their own, wearing good-quality shoes will help prevent injury when playing outside. Ironically children’s feet grow quickly, and shoes need updating every few months, often putting a financial strain on families already struggling.
Good360 and donors such as Nike are helping to take the strain off families and helping to protect the feet of children.
Recently Infinity Community Solutions Ltd received an order of Nike Toddler Sandals. With soft soles, hook-and-loop straps, and full toe coverage the sandals make the perfect outdoor shoes for developing feet. Families within the Kinship Care Program have been excited to receive the Nike sandals, saying how handy the shoes will be for outdoor playtime.
The donation of Nike Sandals from Good360 is really going to make a difference in the lives of our families. Thank you Good360 and Nike

About Our Charity

Infinity Community Solutions Ltd is a boutique secular social purpose organization, motivated to make a difference in the lives of individuals.

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Children & Youth
Aboriginal or TSI

