Bringing smiles on faces with sad hearts

We thank Goo 360 and its sponsors with our whole hearts and we look forward to helping many more in the days to come with your support.
Jesuran Welfare Services serves the less fortunate in the community like refugees, asylum seekers, people doing it tough, and anyone who walks into our hub and puts their hand out for help.
We have been able to help thousands from the time we started. This would not have been possible if it wasn't for our sponsors like Good360 and its donor partners like the Big W, LEGO, and many more.
Recently we received a delivery of T-shirts for free from Good360 and it brought so much happiness and smiles to the faces of people with heavy hearts. This is just one of the many many donations that we receive regularly from Good360.
Thank you for being patient with me, and supporting Jesuran Welfare services with so much, we are confident we will continue to achieve more richness in the lives of every single refugee/asylum seeker who walks through the doors of Jesuran with your generous assistance.

About Our Charity

Jesuran Wellness Centre is a hub, offering sup-port through a range of Humanitarian Services, to all Asylum Seekers and Refugees.<br>An Oasis of Faith, Hope and Charity, it is also rec-ommended by local Government and Religious Institutions.

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Causes we support

Cost of Living Crisis


Big W