As a brand-new school in 2022, Treeby Primary School students and staff have been delighted to receive the LEGO donated via Good360. We engaged the Men’s Shed to make LEGO tables which transformed our blocks, providing fun learning opportunities for all our primary-aged students. The Chaplain and other staff use these tables to provide students with a space talk to through their worries and regulate their uncomfortable feelings, like sadness or frustration. Students are supported to develop social skills and learn to play effectively with others.
The LEGO sets have been amazing and especially helpful for some of our students who need a break from the classroom from time to time. It helps them return to class ready to learn. It provides them with opportunities to learn through inquiry and problem-solving. This purposeful play gives students the time to learn in a fun creative way and improves their social and emotional skills.
Thank you Lego and Good360 for the wonderful donation.
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LEGO Australia