Homeless crisis centre!

Peelconnect is a Small local charity, that relies on donations and volunteers with the goal to help all those in need. Their aim is to be Mandurah’s 1st crisis intervention hub, with the intention to prevent homelessness, poor mental health, and DV, and to help those suffering from financial hardship and or illnesses or disability. Peelconnect's concept is to be the heart hub of Mandurah but refer anyone experiencing hardship and connect them to the right organization that is best suited to help with their situation. Its Peelconnects mission is to then follow and or join its clients on their journey to a better them. Peelconnect knows 1st hand how hard life can be and how desperation, anxiety, and feeling overwhelmed can have a significant negative impact on one’s life, it is Peelconnects vision to support, guide, and be the heart that’s needed for everyone who is suffering through life’s hardships. Peelconnect is a free service available to all of the Peel region, here to be the heart, the hope, and the help that is needed within our community.
Peelconnect offers wait-free counseling, life coaching & case management mentors.
Approved sponsors of Foodbank.
Approved sponsors of the work development scheme allowing people to pay off their fines by volunteering in various ways.
Peelconnect is partnered with John’s vision offering once a month free optimist appointments.
Thank you to Good360 and its donor partner. The products will be accessed by women in our care.

About Our Charity

PeelConnect Incorporated is a registered charity, committed to building a better community by bringing individuals and organisations together to address issues of homelessness, mental health, drugs and alcohol. We are dedicated to making our communit

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Causes we support

Aboriginal or TSI
Cost of Living Crisis

