Parents Pantry

Hygiene in schools is always problematic and can be very expensive. Gaining access to a range of quality products from Good360 and its sponsors like GOODSTART and KOH has enabled our site to maintain high levels of cleanliness and sanitation. By providing gloves and disposable aprons as well as rolls of paper towels for wiping down surfaces and drying hands and sanitizer spray to protect surfaces we will continue to significantly reduce illness and in turn absence at our site.
We have also been able to offer excess supplies in small quantities to our school community through our Parent Pantry creating a sense of connectedness and support. Being able to share with our school community during this time of ‘cost of living pressure’ even in a small way continues to build positive relationships.
Thank you Good360 and its product donors
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Causes we support

Education & Literacy
Children & Youth
Cost of Living Crisis

