We were so excited to receive our delivery of Indigenous cards and paper just in time for NAIDOC week.
Our students put them to good use writing messages to Elders in their lives or communities to support this year’s theme of ‘For our Elders’.
Our students also organized and ran a workshop with students from a local Primary School utilizing paper and cards in art and craft projects and in age-appropriate letter-writing activities.
This delivery created such an amazing opportunity for our students to connect with members of their communities in fun, meaningful ways, we would never have been able to provide students with such high-quality resources without the support of Good360 and its sponsors.
Our students were so proud of the work they had done with the cards and paper that they wanted to share it with our school community by gifting sets of cards and paper to those visiting during the week to share and participate in the planned activities creating a special connection, understanding and link to NAIDOC week this year. Thank you
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