At Heywood Consolidated School, we encourage our students to develop Student Voice and Agency in their educational experiences, so weekly we run CLUBS. This is when students suggest a specific Club to participate in for 5 weeks, and then teachers support them in having this experience.
Through the support of Good360 Australia, we have been able to purchase LEGO sets for students to develop creativity, imagination, design, and construction skills to use the LEGO for specific purposes. Students have also been developing personal skills such as getting along, respect, resilience, and kindness throughout these sessions, which is essential as these are our school values.
Students have been overwhelmed by the amount of LEGO that we currently have and the opportunities for fun and educational experiences have been an absolute delight, which has been obvious from statements such as "Oh my gosh - we can make anything" and "This is the best!".
Thank you to Good360 and LEGO
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Education & Literacy
Children & Youth
Aboriginal or TSI


LEGO Australia