Our New LEGO Club

Students from Years 7 to 12 at Muswellbrook High School have thoroughly enjoyed building LEGO and getting to make new friends, during our new social club, LEGO Legends!
On Mondays, all students are invited to the Learning and Wellbeing Hub to join in on LEGO Legends. It’s been fabulous to watch the students start to make new friends with people outside of their normal social circles and build connections.
It’s early days for this new social club, but it is growing bigger and better every day.
“I like LEGO Legends because I get to build cool Harry Potter LEGO and spend time with my friends”, says one year 8 student. He has been working with a Year 12 student to build the Ministry of Magic. As an avid Harry Potter fan, this is a dream come true. “We don’t have much LEGO at home, so it’s cool that I get to play with it at school. I just wish I could play with it in class!”
Muswellbrook High School is very grateful for the opportunity provided by Good360. Our students are not simply getting to play with LEGO… they are learning valuable skills in teamwork and patience, and making friends in a supportive environment. Who would think LEGO could have such an impact? Thank you!
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