A Welcome Gift!

We order the products from Good360 as we are a not-for-profit organisation and often need these items for day-to-day use. We have a service for at-risk youth and a family violence service in which people often present with little of their own. The Good360 bags are filled with toothbrushes, handwash, soap, day cream, and socks has been utilised for the young people and adults that present at our service and they have been a welcome gift to those who have very little. The cups, LEGO, and children’s toothbrushes were given to the adults who presented with children and were received with such gratitude as these items are often a struggle to provide. The surface wipes have been utilised by services and clients in order to ensure the space they are working and living within is clean and safe.
The benefit of these items being made available for clients is overwhelmingly positive, with many of them feeling extreme gratitude and thanks for their thoughtfulness.
Thank you Good360 and its corporate sponsors for being able to supply these goods to organisations like ours!

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Our Purpose: Partner with people and change lives for the better.

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Children & Youth

