Learning and having fun with LEGO

Spearwood Primary School is so grateful to Good360 and LEGO for these wonderful donations. The Chaplain and other staff can support students when they are feeling emotional and finding it hard to focus in the classroom. After a break, they can return to class ready to learn. LEGO also provides students with the opportunity to learn through inquiry and problem-solving. For younger students it allows them to practice using language skills, as well as follow visual cues and verbal instructions, whilst having fun and playing with the LEGO. For families who struggle financially, these students get the chance to play and have fun with toys that they may not have access to in their own homes. For students who don’t regularly attend school, it provides them with a great reason to be here. The LEGO sets are also useful when supporting our students who have special learning needs such as ADHD and Autism.

Thank you Good360 and LEGO for these fantastic donations!
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Education & Literacy
Health and Mental Health
Cost of Living Crisis


LEGO Australia