LEGO: Building Better Behaviours in Schools

The benefits of LEGO have contributed to the substantial reduction in student misbehavior by 40% to 50% in one year.
LEGO promotes hands-on, creative learning, redirecting students' focus from passivity to active participation. As they construct knowledge through play, students become deeply engaged with the learning process, thus reducing the impulse to engage in disruptive behavior.
Teamwork and effective communication skills are essential life skills. LEGO's collaborative nature necessitates interaction among students, leading to the development of cooperative and communicative competencies, subsequently reducing interpersonal conflicts.
Building with LEGO requires sustained concentration and patience. This fosters the development of self-discipline and impulse control among students as they meticulously follow instructions or engage in design processes.
We are seeing the benefits of LEGO as improving student outcomes. Thank you to LEGO Australia and Good360 for your ongoing support of our community.
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LEGO Australia