Chasing Dreams In The Cutest Pair Of Shoes

One of the greatest parts of working for Aboriginal Community Services is being able to meet and assist some of the humblest of people. To truly know someone, you should try to understand that person’s perspective, experience, and motivation. All of which should occur before making a judgment about them.
Just like the idiom, “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes”, we should all practice care and compassion by putting ourselves in that person’s shoes and imagining what we would want if we found ourselves in a similar situation.
Here at ACS, we are committed to showing up and serving the people we care about. We continuously reach out to the Aboriginal Elders and their families to find out firsthand what it is they require without them having to take the first step or ask for help. It’s important to listen to their needs because what they may want, or need may be completely different from what you might imagine.
By doing this, ACS has been able to ascertain all the Aboriginals living in the APY lands have the world at their feet. With the kindness and generosity of Good360 and their product sponsors, they’ve made sure all those feet are wearing great shoes.
Not only does helping others and being there for them benefit your soul, but it also builds a community that cares about each other and takes care of one another. Together, we can conquer the world.

About Our Charity

Our organisation helps aboriginal elders in the APY lands

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Causes we support

Children & Youth
Aboriginal or TSI

