Building bridges together

With so many youth struggling in our communities, it was a great opportunity for us to support a community youth group.
See what they had to say.
I just wanted to send through a thank you and testimonial for the donations we received from your charity earlier this year.
As this donation was so large and generous, we were able to spread it amongst three enterprises within Bridge Builders.
The first was our counselling wing, where we now have a steady supply of fidget toys for young people to play with during their sessions which has immensely helped that team with getting young people to feel more comfortable and open up more.
Secondly was our BB Nights program, where we put all the donations out for a bunch of the kids to take home with them or people they know. The amount of goods that went to so many young people and families was incredible. Please see photos of the young people with their items. Lastly was our UR Retreat for Young Women's camp that is scheduled next week, where all the girls will receive a gift bag to take home.
A lot of these kids come from disadvantaged backgrounds, and might not get a lot in their life. Seeing the smiles on their faces when they were given the opportunity to take home brand-new goodies was overwhelming.
We would like to thank Good360 and its product sponsors from the bottom of our hearts for their generosity and warmheartedness.
From one charity to another, on behalf of all the kids who smiled a bit more this year, we thank

About Our Charity

Sancss Australia helps underprivileged and disadvantaged children in Australia

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Education & Literacy
Children & Youth


LEGO Australia