LEGO Club - Social Group

A simple donation of LEGO bricks has encouraged a group of children in ways no one could have anticipated. LEGO Club has allowed the children to feel included and embark on a journey of building friendships and resilience.
Through LEGO, the children discovered a new language of expression, creativity, and collaboration. With the bricks in hand, they embarked on a journey of learning that was tailored to their unique abilities.
As they built, the children learned to communicate with each other and develop, social and teamwork skills that may have eluded them in the past. The structured nature of LEGO helped them focus and concentrate, enhancing their attention span.
The impact of the donated LEGO bricks has meant that LEGO club, is the place to be for the children, and it has got so popular that we have had to break it into sub-schools, to allow for greater participation for each year level.
In the end, with the help of donated LEGO, these young people have flourished, reminding everyone that diversity should be celebrated, and every child has the potential to succeed when given the right tools and opportunities.
A huge thank you to Good360 and LEGO Australia
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LEGO Australia