Loads of LEGO Fun!

Marcus, Tayla, and Harvey received their gifts on 31/10/23 before leaving the refuge to begin a new chapter in Queensland. They had mixed feelings about leaving the refuge to return to Queensland: excited to go on an airplane, happy to see family, but sad to leave the refuge and tired. They were instantly revitalized and excited when they saw our CEO appear with the gifts. The donation of these gifts impacts these clients and our service in a number of valuable ways. Firstly, it impacts how the client receives and experiences our service including rapport. Financially, it impacts the client who can redirect funds that would have been spent on something special like this for more essential items. It allowed us to gift the children with a positive experience upon exiting the service and for these children in particular, it gave them something exciting to look forward to on the other side of their flight to Queensland. They were excited to open and start building their LEGO sets as soon as they got to their home in Queensland. Marcus (7) and Tayla (6) were both respectful, kind, and inclusive when engaging with others at the service and so appreciative of their special gifts. The importance of donations cannot be understated for a service like ours and their impact goes far beyond the joy or wonder brought to these children in this moment. We thank you Good360 and LEGO kindly
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Children & Youth
Aboriginal or TSI


LEGO Australia