Sparking moments of joy

Introducing Kelly, she is a 9-year-old First Nations girl from regional NSW. Kelly has a rare genetic condition that has seen her require ongoing treatment, invasive surgeries, and long bouts of time in the hospital... away from home, missing out on school and often enduring long periods of debilitating pain.
This gift of LEGO was a moment that sparked joy, instantly upon receiving Kelly's face lit up as she loves to create... the gift will also offer hours of joy, creativity, and distraction as she arrives at the hospital for another week-long stay.
We are thankful to Good360 and its donors for their support

About Our Charity

Little Wings is a nonprofit organization that provides free, professional and safe flight and ground transport services for sick children in rural and regional NSW.

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Causes we support

Health and Mental Health
Children & Youth
Aboriginal or TSI


LEGO Australia