Experiences for all

We were so excited to receive our delivery of backpacks from Good360 and Promo Brands. They are perfect for our Transition days and will be used by our new students who will work their way around the school collecting various items (supplied previously by Good360) and clues showcasing the range of learning, creative, and wellbeing experiences that we provide. We hope this interactive activity will make them feel supported and prepared as they enter the next chapter of their educational journey.
Our Wellbeing team was thrilled to receive their supply of Family Care Packs from Good360 and Sales Force. The items were well selected and will support a range of ages and needs, they are also long-lasting meaning that our packs will provide support to our families in times of crisis now and into the future. The Makeup boxes received have been snapped up by our Arts department who are excited to be able to have such wonderful resources to support our school musical.
The range of Christmas ornaments and stockings, along with the Note books received have provided our students with a range of learning and craft experiences which has been a great way for students to end the year.
Thank you Good360 and its Donors!!
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Arts & Culture
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Children & Youth


Big W
Edgewell Personal Care
Promo Brands