Students Love LEGO

Willmot Public School would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for the generous injection of resources such as LEGO to our school and community. The impact of LEGO donations has been tremendous, positively impacting the social, emotional, and academic development of our students.
Through the use of LEGO, our students have developed positive processes for taking space and getting ready to learn. LEGO has stretched their creativity and critical thinking skills, helping them to problem-solve and think outside the box. The hands-on nature of the LEGO activities has also helped to flex their fine motor skills and coordination.
Furthermore, LEGO has provided an opportunity for our students to engage in teamwork and collaboration at playtime, building social skills and promoting a sense of community. The pride they exhibit in their builds is amazing. The school is using large LEGO sets this year as a positive behavior reward.
We are incredibly grateful for the continued support of Good360 and LEGO Australia. Thank you
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Education & Literacy
Children & Youth
Aboriginal or TSI


LEGO Australia