The power of a backpack

A backpack is such a simple item that we all take for granted but it holds so much value in terms of how it can assist us with our work at Dandelions WA. We use them in a variety of our kits - "Hospital Kits", "Winter Warmth Kits", and "Back to School" kits. We utilise thousands of them each year and they are distributed to every single region of WA. They can be re-used by the recipients again and again in so many ways. They truly are a gift that keeps on giving. Thank you Good360 and your network of partners who contribute so much to ensure that we can keep "spreading kindness growing hope"!

About Our Charity

"Whether it be through one of our “Kindness Kits” filled with toiletries, underwear, thongs and extras relevant to gender and age to ensure dignity, health, acceptance and opportunity or via a specific ""Wish"" received from a community, a family, an indi

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Causes we support

Aboriginal or TSI
Cost of Living Crisis


Multiple Donors