Thankful Families!

Thank you to Bulldog Skincare, Big W, Oz Sale, Gildan Brands, Nike, Promo Brands, ACCO and Good360 for your generous donations of clothes, flipflops, socks, underwear, razors, cosmetic cases, children's hair accessories, backpacks, folders, pencil cases, drink bottles, clocks, colour board and lunch boxes. Our families and students were very grateful for your company’s generosity. Many families in our area are struggling to keep their head above water financially. These donations assisted them in relieving a bit of pressure on items that they and their children needed. All the families were very grateful for the gifts they were given. Thank you!
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Causes we support

Children & Youth
Migrant & Ethnic Groups
Cost of Living Crisis


Big W
Gildan Brands
Edgewell Personal Care
ACCO Brands Australia
Promo Brands
Multiple Donors