Building Brighter Futures: The LEGO Effect

Good360's generous donation of LEGO has ignited a wave of creativity and inclusion at Rowland Hassall School. Students with intellectual disabilities are discovering new pathways for learning and self-expression through hands-on building activities. The tactile nature of LEGO has become a powerful tool for developing cognitive and motor skills, while also fostering social interaction and teamwork. Furthermore, students facing mental health challenges have found solace and empowerment in the therapeutic aspect of LEGO building, using it as a medium for emotional regulation and stress management. Good360's donation has not only provided a wealth of colourful bricks but has also sown the seeds of resilience, joy, and inclusive learning experiences, enriching the lives of the students at Rowland Hassall School.
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Causes we support

People with Disabilities
Health and Mental Health
Children & Youth


LEGO Australia