Kitten Food

Everyday essential items can become unaffordable when living in poverty. Pet food can be an expense that many families Port Stephens Family and Neighbourhood Services work with cannot afford. This Kitten Food has eased the financial pressures of clients who are experiencing poverty. This box of kitten food is going to a family who are unable to purchase food this week due to financial stress. It was placed in a hamper alongside food, essential for the wellbeing of the family. The relief that these items provided for the family was significant. Items such as the kitten food provide clients with dignity.
We are grateful for the support from Good360 and its donor partners. Thank you

About Our Charity

We provide financial assistance, homelessness support, child youth and family counselling, early intervention children's services and domestic violence support to the Port Stephens area.

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Causes we support

Children & Youth
Cost of Living Crisis


Nestle Purina
Stylevue Pty Limited