Laptop Library

Auburn Youth Centre (AYC) has teamed up with Dooley’s Catholic Club and Good360 to establish a transformative laptop library, providing vital technology access to young people without computers at home. This collaboration addresses the critical digital divide affecting many students in the community. The Laptop Library provides laptops with Optus WIFI. not having internet or a home computer are barriers to academic success. Researching assignments and completing online homework are daily struggles, limiting young peoples potential. However, the new laptop library will change educational journeys. Young people can now receive a laptop and WIFI access allowing them to stay on top of their schoolwork and explore new learning opportunities.
The initiative has far-reaching impacts beyond academics. With reliable computer access, young people can develop essential digital skills, participate in virtual extracurricular activities, and explore future career pathways. Parents and guardians also express relief, knowing their children have the tools needed to succeed in an increasingly digital world. The partnership between AYC, Dooley’s Catholic Club, and Good360 exemplifies community-driven solutions that bridge the technology gap. It not only enhances educational outcomes but also fosters a sense of equity and empowerment among youth, paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future.

About Our Charity

Bring young people of all cultures, faiths, genders and abilities together in a community of understanding and acceptance. Empower young people through education, training, counselling, recreation and individualised support. Support and challenge young

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Education & Literacy
Children & Youth
Digital Divide


King Living
Walsh & Monaghan
Ernst Young