Happy teeth for remote communities

With the shipment of toothpaste provided by good360 we were able to send 60 Happy Boxes to two remote communities in the Northern Territory, meaning 60 women didn’t have to go without access to these essential items. Accessing essential items become near impossible for the women we support due to the unaffordable price of groceries in remote stores. The distance families must travel to be able to visit a Woolworths or Coles store can be up to 1000km. Thanks to Good360 and its donors, 60 women and their families from two remote communities were able to access these essential items at no cost.

About Our Charity

Women in our own backyard are going without basic toiletries. A Happy Box is a collection of toiletries and beauty products put together with care, and sent to an Indigenous woman in a remote community. It may include essential items such as shampoo, soap

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Causes we support

Aboriginal or TSI
Cost of Living Crisis


Edgewell Personal Care