Kyogle Showground Community Services outreach

Kyogle showgrounds is a temporary home for quite a number of people who have been made homeless due to the Floods of 2022, the cost of living crisis, and mental health. The social isolation that results from living on the outskirts of town, with limited transport makes it harder for these people to access social services.
The Kyogle Community Network conducted an outreach to support these people. Christian Life Church Kyogle, together with the Red Cross, Kyogle Family Support Services and the Lions Kyogle Community Food Pantry all assisted, providing a BBQ and meeting place for clients to easily access support.
Christian Life Church Kyogle was able to bring down generous donations to give away thanks to Good360 and its donor partners. We gave away brand new t-shirts for men and women, warm jumpers, Colgate toothpaste, shampoo, sunscreen, men's belts, cleaning products, blankets and food hampers suitable for camping and
Often, personal hygiene items like toothpaste, shampoo or sunscreen are further down the list of things to buy on a tight budget.
While providing free items for clients to take away, we provide a supportive, non-judgmental space for our clients to share their challenges. By having a variety of services, we are also able to direct them to others who may be able to provide additional assistance
Thanks to the generosity of Good360 and its donor partners we can conduct this sort of outreach regularly throughout the year.

About Our Charity

We are a Christian church located in the small town of Kyogle, NSW. We have weekly church services and group meetings to support our community. We also have a food pantry for those in need and have been coordinating alot of the flood recovery after the fl

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Causes we support

Health and Mental Health
Cost of Living Crisis


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