Life changing support

There is no better way to showcase the difference made by Good360 and its supporters than by providing feedback from the recipients:
We have one year 10 student who has been living in residential care since year 8. She has always struggled to get to school, and engage in her education. Unfortunately, when she became disengaged, it became all that much more difficult to try and support her in getting on track with the education she deserves as she had no access to personal devices. Thanks to the Sixth Child, she is now enrolled in TAFE and studying something she is interested in! This could only happen due to the Sixth Child donating a laptop for her to access her school work online. Not only that, but she is residing in a residence that lacks heating. The Sixth Child generously donated the warmest jacket they could find, which she now refuses to take off, and can wear day and night so she no longer struggles to sleep through colder months!
Thank you Good360 for helping us make a positive impact on the children under our care

About Our Charity

Sancss Australia helps underprivileged and disadvantaged children in Australia

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Causes we support

Education & Literacy
Children & Youth


Multiple Donors