Underwear for the Ladies

Avalon's Clothing and bedding Distribution programme has been operating for 16 years. We go out in the van (The Moving Wardrobe) and our little bus (The Moving Heart of Gold) and give out clothing, shoes, bedding, toiletries and underwear. One thing we always ran out of was ladies' underwear. Every week we would go to Kmart and buy supplies. We are a small charity with no government funding and we often find it difficult to meet the demands. When we received the Good360 donation of a pallet of ladies' underwear it was as if all our Christmases had come at once. We were able to go out on the streets and be able to provide a much-needed essential for the ladies. Thank you so much for this amazing donation.

About Our Charity

The Avalon Centre is a registered charity established in 1987 and run entirely by volunteers. Avalon ‘meets unmet needs’ in the community, supporting the homeless, people with disabilities, mental Health problems and more. Avalon aims to help people who

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Cost of Living Crisis


Star Corp Textiles