Our School Minions

In our small school of Gerogery Public, the impact of the fantastic Lego kits from Good360 have been highly valuable, educational and wonderful for our students. Gerogery is a small, rural community in South-West NSW. Integrating LEGO into our classrooms has profoundly had positive impacts on student's development and learning, particularly in fine motor development and social skills. By incorporating LEGO sets into our small primary school, children not only enhance their cognitive skills through hands-on learning but also foster a sense of community spirit and teamwork. Collaborative building projects in the classroom with the LEGO kits promote friendship and communication among students, bridging age gaps and building learning skills across year levels.
LEGO stimulates creativity and problem-solving abilities, encouraging students to think critically and innovatively. As our students engaged in building and constructing together, the children have learned valuable lessons in patience, persistence, and mutual respect, as individuals and for each other. Beyond the classroom, the generous LEGO kit initiatives provide an exciting conversation starting point, promoting healthy
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Causes we support

Community Improvement & Economic Development
Children & Youth
Digital Divide


LEGO Australia