Shoes for Growing Feet

Our reaction to the shoes was jaw-dropping!! We received enough pairs for everyone, so no child will miss out. We've been giving children 2 or 3 pairs, depending on their circumstances. Kids' feet grow so quickly, and sometimes parents struggle to keep up with the cost of living. Both the kids and the parents were so happy and loved the shoes. It was very rewarding to see the kids' faces when they received the shoes. Thank you to Shoes&Sox and Good360 for the amazing donation. Every single kid who received them was not disappointed at all.

About Our Charity

"our primary goal is to minimize or even eradicate crime among the Aboriginal community. We aim to achieve this through sustainable programs such as providing support and transportation to appointments, focusing on education and training, organizing works

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Arts & Culture
Crime Prevention & Ex-Offender Reintegration
Aboriginal or TSI


Shoes & Sox